Wednesday, February 6, 2013
February 8, 2013
6th Grade Newsletter – February 8, 2013
School Closing Announcements are posted on the school district’s web site at A district information telephone hotline is available at (270) 674-4803 or 328-4803.
Sign Language meeting will be next Monday, February 11 at 3:00
Specials next Thursday, February 14 will follow the Friday schedule.
PE Jamboree Grades K-3 will be Tuesday, Feb. 19
Our two snow make up days are: Monday, February 18 and Monday, March 11
Drama Club practice every Tuesday, 3:00-4:30. It is very important to be at every practice from now until performance!
March 12th 3:00-6:00 pm in the gym
Central Elementary Health & Wellness Fair
There will be booths set up to distribute valuable information regarding various health-related topics. Refreshments will be available to the families participating and each adult participant will receive a Travel First Aid Kit.
March 12th 1:00-6:00 pm in the gym
Red Cross Blood Drive. The class with the most donors present will win an ice cream party.
Central Drama Players presents Aladdin, Jr. at the PAC on March 28!
2 week camp for children ages 6-12. Campers will experience and learn about the elements of live theatre. They will receive instruction in the performance aspect and have the opportunity to perform on stage, as well as learn hands-on about the basics of lighting, sound, set, costumes, and makeup. Camp will conclude with 3 performances that highlight new skills developed. The fee is $50 which covers a t-shirt, theatrical resources, and a daily snack. Space is limited and t-shirt orders must be placed by June 1st to guarantee availability - so apply early!! Applications are available online at
Writing: Students will write an argumentative letter about a change they would like to see in our school. Students will identify nouns and common nouns in grammar.
Reading: Students will read from the novel, A Single Shard. Students will identify and explain the meaning of figurative language, and identify the different types of conflict, internal and external, that the character faces in the first three chapters of the book.
Spelling: These words are from the first few chapters of A Single Shard: arid, momentum, complied, oblivious, cowered, perusal, derision, precariously, impudence, prosperity, simile, metaphor, personification, internal conflict, external conflict.
Sci/Social Studies: Students are researching countries in Europe and studying the European regions: cultures, climate, and customs.
Math: 6th grade math classes are currently studying percents.
PL/CS and Arts/Humanities: Local author, Matt Schorr, presented his newly published book, Attack of the Zombiesaurus Rex.
This week in DARE: Students learned how to stay out or get out of risky situations. Mr. White’s DARE group’s essays are due Monday, February 11.
Shakespeare Festival Coming to Murray State!!! The Shakespeare Festival will host "12th Night" in Lovett Auditorium. Performance at 7:00 PM on March 8th.
***Chattanooga Trip*** Final permission forms have been sent home in Friday Folders. It is VERY important for us to get our final numbers going/not going on the trip. Please return as soon as possible. Money must be paid by March 1.
Valentine Parties will be Thursday, Feb. 14 at 2:00. Please check the items you would like to send:
Cupcakes____ Drinks____ Total # students…White: 21, West: 21, Murphey: 22
Cookies____ Candy____
Chips_____ other___________________________________________