Friday, September 14, 2012
September 14, 2012
Writing Class: Students are writing and revising personal narratives and painting pictures with words using Brushstrokes, as well as grammar and editing skills.
Reading Class: Students have finished Where the Red Fern Grows. Goals include describing how the plot unfolds, and analyzing how a scene fits into the overall structure of the text. Students are classifying literary devices, and discussing the effect of figurative language. Please ensure your child reads AR at home for 15-20 minutes each night. AR Goal for the 9 weeks is 19.5.
Spelling Words for next week: swiftly, dawn, pride, champion, despair, haggard, searing, scramble, predatory, petrified, berserk, lithe, ghastly, scourge, entrails, rebelled, symbolism, character, episodes, imagery
Spelling Choice due Wednesday, Test Thursday.